PETA's position on TNR and feral cats - a MUST read!!
Never in my entire life did I ever think that I'd be in agreement with any of PETA's positions but I have always strived to keep an open mind about issues and look at both sides. (This can be similar to having the plague, trust me.) I'm even capable of changing my mind on issues, if the situation merits it, which is a lot more than I can say about feral cat advocates.
So here's a short paragraph from a letter written by PETA, in regards to TNR programs. (See link below for entire letter)
"You may be surprised to know that PETA is generally opposed to “releasing” cats outdoors to roam freely. Our extensive experience with TNR programs and “managed” feral cat colonies have made clear that these programs - unless they comply with stringent guidelines that protect the cats and the animals whom the cats hunt - are simply not in animals’ best interests.
Having witnessed firsthand the gruesome things that can happen to feral cats, we cannot in good conscience oppose euthanasia as a humane alternative for dealing with overpopulation. We don’t take this position lightly, and we realize it’s considered controversial."
This is an incredible letter! Congratulations to PETA for cutting to the chase and for speaking the absolute truth. I may not agree with all of PETA's policies but they are so dead on right with their assessment of this issue!
Yes, I advocate for native wildlife, who are losing their habitat at an alarming rate and suffering worse than they ever have. It's the reason I'm in this profession and do what I do. Someone has to give a pile of coon poop about wildlife and that's what I do. Willingly, voluntarily, for free. No complaints. No one puts a gun to my head in the morning and forces me to do this. I could go get a paying job, but, no thanks. I'd rather do what I am doing. Jumping through regulatory fire hoops in keeping my licenses, undergoing inspections by people who don't know squat about the work we do but who hold the power to not sign our permits and spending money I don't have to continue to acquire the educational credits I need to keep my license. It may not be much but it does make a difference to the wild animals in my hands.
I don't hate cats. I think we've already established that. We live with a whole bunch of them. Formal strays/ferals. Every last one of them. What I can't stand is the belief that feral cat colony advocates have that dumping these cats back to live outside is humane and that they are doing a favour for the cats and giving them a good life by once again abandoning them to the outdoors. Think about that. What a horrible life! We live in an area of Canada that experiences all four seasons and our winters and summers, at their peak, can be very harsh. Those cats are out there subject to those elements while their 'caretakers' are where? Home in their heated or air conditioned homes or apartments? What about the cats? You've trapped them once and just like any good self respecting raccoon, they're not going to venture into a trap again if they need medical treatment. And they will need that. How truly inhumane of all of you to say you care about the cats and then inhumanely just dump them back outdoors like they were discarded pieces of trash, knowing they kill wildlife, knowing they themselves are subjected to becoming prey for wild animals bigger than they are.
Read PETA's letter here. It's well worth the short time it will take you to do that. You owe it to yourself to be informed. This speaks the raw and honest truth - even if it isn't politically correct.
My thanks to PETA!
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